
Best Gold Mining Equipment Manufacturer in China

This operation is utilizing the 1000-A Wash Plant and the 1000-S Shaker Table for mining operations.

What makes us the best?

Our gravity mining equipment has superior recovery of heavy minerals and gemstones as compared to other equipment such as: centrifugal separators, centrifugal bowls, spiral separators, screw concentrating trommels, screw separating tables, sluice boxes and gold pans.

Gold mining Solutions has 20 years experience designing and building reliable gravity separating equipment. Our products have pioneered equipment engineering simplicity and combined it with highly efficient recovery rates from 2” nuggets to 1 micron gold size, this recovery and reliability separates us from all other competitors in the heavy mineral and gemstone mining industry.

We cater to a wide spectrum of customers from the weekend prospector to large scale gold and diamond operations world wide.

Global Mining Solutions manufactures and sells world wide line of superior washplant and shaker table equipment for gold and diamonds. Heavy mineral recovery with industry leading recovery rates.

Principle of the Wash Plant Concentrator


The Global Mining Solutions wash plant is essentially two continuous mechanical heavy mineral oscillating gold pans. The unique patented oscillating action has the primary function of dilation and separation of the heavy mineral from the gravel bed, and the secondary function of moving the upper successively barren remnants of the original gravel bed to the discharge end of the deck bed is, in itself, the first step in a two stage concentration of the heavy mineral.

Head motion (mechanics) is of the pulley-driven ball bearing eccentric with a distinct patented unique reversing motion, which is applied to both decks. With uniform rotation of the drive pulley the velocity of both decks moving in opposite directions from each other, increases the speed from the beginning of the forward stroke and is compounded to a maximum velocity at the end of the stroke. The action in the wash plant shaking beds differs which are statistically permanent (jigs), and centrifugal bowls, which uses a very rapid moving water action to scour off the tails from a centrifugal action. Contrary to advertisements by manufactures, micron gold crusher  will not concentrate in fast flowing water currents as found in centrifugal bowls. Centrifugal bowls have a bad reputation for micron gold losses and packing, and for this reason Global Mining Solutions will not manufacture or sell this type of equipment. Ninety percent of all final clean-up gold production world wide is processed by gravity shaker tables and flotation systems.

Treatment of heavy mineral particles on a Gold Mining Equipment wash plant requires the heavy minerals to settle out of the stream of gravel feed at a sufficiently rapid rate to form a heavy mineral concentrate. The deck slope must have a sufficient slope to permit fast removal of water/gravel and a distinct reverse classification, but not so great a slope that valuable heavy minerals will be carried out with the tailings. This allowable slope range of the decks is less the smaller the size of concentrate saved. Adjusting the decks flat will save smaller gold and at the same time it also restricts the total yards of gravel processed. Steep slopes = fine gold losses with increased yardage production. Flat slopes = fine gold saved with reduced yardage production.

