
Vertical roller mill grinding cement technology

International Progress:

• In the past 10 years, the vertical roller mill for cement and slag grinding technology has made an important breakthrough.

• the world's largest cement producer Ruishi Hao Rui Group in 1998 and Loesche companies, Hon Chong Cement Plant in Vietnam into the first vertical mill for cement grinding. Since then, more and more vertical roller mill for cement and slag in the final grinding.

vertical roller mill for cement producers traditional grinding system compared with the practical and the quality of the cement to produce the same concerns have been eliminated. Vertical mill grinding cement has many advantages, not only has the economic advantage, while versatile, represents the future direction of development of cement industry.

Since the first vertical mill grinding cement in use since the cement grinding process, especially a large cement grinding power consumption and reduce power consumption is also a great potential. Cement and slag grinding, the vertical mill grinding energy is about 50% of the traditional ball.

• vertical mill is an air swept mill, so the fan's energy consumption must be included in the grinding system. Generally speaking, the vertical roller mill grinding plant ball mill power consumption is about 70%, which is new on the market to other comparable grinding technology.

